Our catering manager bought a puppy this weekend. Surprisingly enough, the dog looked very much like my dog when we first bought him 13 years ago; except, Sadie, the manager's puppy, is a girl. At four months old, she's an extremely sweet dog and very mellow for a poodle. Our dog was, and is, still crazy and paranoid.
One real current event comes to mind at work: The Miss Hooters International Swimsuit Pageant. The once in a lifetime opportunity for a lucky girl (and I do mean girl, not women) to win $50,000 in cash. According to Deco Drive, the pageant is all about "looks, personality and brains. Pretty much a bubbly personality." Hmmm, right. I only hope they can remember to omit their stripper names and they are able find their way off the stage once roll call has been done. Oy! Good luck ladies! May the breast, er, I mean, best participant win!!

Finally, I got home and my dad was explaining to us how he was able to evade a car accident on I-95 this morning. He was fine. His truck was fine. He was only a little shaken from thinking what could have happened. Anyway, I thought it was pretty funny how he began to visually describe the moment. Notice the real life resemblance of the highway lanes (knives) and the cars (shotglass). Uncanny!! :-)
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