Sunday, July 13, 2008

Photo Journal - July 13, 2008

Three blogs written and I've already been slacking in the journalism department. I have to work on that. I guess the week hasn't been as exciting and I've been finding it very challenging to find the excitement in the little things of life. Perhaps that is why I've had nothing to write. There have been a few things that caught my attention here and there but I failed to find the excitement in them. However, I am writing tonight :)

I had to open Parker Playhouse this week for summer camp. While sitting at Shelly and Peter's desk, I realized that next to the computer there was a box of popcorn, a can of peanut brittle, and box of animal crackers. Funny thing is that I knew that they have been there all the time, but I never realized how these things related to each other. These are all items that we all enjoyed at some point when we were younger, even better was when we were able to enjoy these three items all at once, whether at the fair or for a well-received treat for a job well-done. Good times!

Sunday morning didn't start bad at all. I wanted to take a few pictures of my dog but I didn't like the angle on how some of the pictures were coming up. So I decided to drop to the floor and take some of him laying on his oversized green pillow. I was about to snap the first picture, when he decided that he wanted to come over and greet me as opposed to sit and pose. Puqui, my dog, is 13 years old so his vision keeps fading, as you can see in his eyes. As stubborn and paranoid as he is, I still love the pal. He's a good dog.

Later in the afternoon, the family decided to have "Linner," a combination of lunch and dinner, or "Dunch" (You pick!). We went to Bubba Gump's as it is an all-time favorite for everyone in the household. It's always a great time and you're guaranteed quality food every time you go. I am a little biased, though, as Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies and I always enjoy stumping the servers at Gump Trivia. Yeah, I'm that good! Anyway, the pictures below show how bad it began to pour as we arrived at the restaurant. I've never seen Fort Lauderdale Beach that empty before in my life.

I really like the picture below. I always order a Speckled Lemonade, which is a Strawberry Lemonade in other restaurants, except, this drink has REAL strawberries muddled into the drink. YUM! Anyway, the "server sign" was angled perfectly behind the drink and I enjoy the contrast of colors between both objects. "RUN, FORREST, RUN!"

As it is typical of Florida, after a huge storm passes through, it is tradition for the sky to clear up with a beautiful array of celestial colors. This picture was taken on the way back home on Sunrise Blvd and SR7.

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